Frequently Asked Questions
​Q: How do I reserve my share?​​
A: Email us at or contact Brett at 515-357-8072 and then submit your deposit. Payment can be made with a check or with Venmo (note an additional 2% fee is added on for Venmo payments).
Q: What is 100% grass fed beef?
A: 100% grass-fed beef refers to cattle that are raised on a diet consisting solely of grass and forage throughout their entire lives, except for the milk they consume before being weaned. This type of beef is often considered to have a more natural and nutrient-rich profile compared to beef from cattle that are fed grains and processed plant matter.
Q: What cuts of beef will I receive?
A: The breakdown of a beef share can vary depending on the specific preferences and choices made by the customer. However, as a general guideline, a typical beef share will consist of approximately 30% steaks, 30% roasts, and 40% ground beef.
Q: Do I need to cook grass fed beef differently?
A: Typically, yes. Grass fed beef is a leaner meat, the best results are achieved by reducing the cooking temperature to a medium setting and reducing the cooking time by about 30% when grilling or pan frying. For further tips, visit Cooking Grass Fed Beef.
Q: Does grass fed beef taste different?
A: While some individuals may notice a difference in the taste of grass-fed beef compared to conventionally raised beef, others may not perceive a significant distinction. Those who do notice a difference often describe grass-fed beef as having a richer, more beefy, or natural flavor.
Q: What is pasture raised pork?
A: Pasture raised pork refers to pigs that are raised outdoors on pasture and/or in wooded areas. They are able to eat a more diverse diet of grasses, forbs, insects, and grains from feed. Though they have plenty of shade, they are also exposed to sunshine and are able to forage, run, play, and root around in the soil. This results in healthier animals and more nutritious food for people.